Ilha grande to Paraty

Company: Costa Verde
Type: Local Bus
Price: $R12 each
Duration: 2.5 hrs

Details: On our return from Ilha Grande we took the fast boat (30 mins) from Abraão back to the town of Angra dos Reis before jumping on the local bus to Paraty. The bus was very basic, bumpy and not particularly comfortable, and getting our backpacks past the turnstile must have made entertaining viewing. Thankfully it wasn’t a long journey, and we were excited to experience a more rustic bus ride. However, an hour or so after arriving we realised that when grabbing our bags to get off the bus one of Joe’s (carefully selected) hiking shoes had been left on the bus! Not the thing you want to happen so early on in an 8-month trip. Luckily Havianas did the trick until we were able to pick up some trainers.